Fatalis's Journal


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17 entries this month

Seems I have a Coke Problem.....

02:39 Mar 30 2005
Times Read: 600

No Silly Wabbit......not Cocaine.....Coca~Cola. As long as I can remeber I normally wake up with and go to bed with or before bed have a Coke to drink. Well it seems to have finally come back to Haunt me. I went to the Dentist

today. I have 5 cavities in my top teeth and one in a bottom toothe. I'm getting the top 5 filled at the end of April.....Boy that's gonna be a Blast !

BTW......I'm 34 and these are the first cavities I've Ever had......sweets other than soft drinks have never been important to me.

To give everyone an idea how big Coke has been a part of my life..... here is a short tale.......when I was a baby I was allergic to Milk......The Freakin Doctor told my Mom to put apple juice or Coke in it........Only

once in my Life did I quit drinking Coke.......to ween myself I'm not gonna drink any Soft drink after sunset.

Come to think of it.......I really wish I had been buying shares of Coca~Cola since I was born.............




Of Course.....

15:01 Mar 29 2005
Times Read: 602

Within 24hrs someone has already figured out what is in my profile that doesn't belong ! I'll be damned and it wasn't anyone I normally chat with !!!!




A Test !

21:33 Mar 28 2005
Times Read: 608

Since it seems no one reads profiles ...I added something to mine that is going to test if anyone actually is paying attention. If you figure it out I'll tell you how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop......




A Fading friend....

15:28 Mar 28 2005
Times Read: 612

My best friend and I were chatting on thursday. He finally got word through someone else we knew in college that our other best friend "B" is strung out on crack and Meth.

B. was a slice of sanity during my first year and half in Atlanta. At the time I was working as a Corporate ghoul in the 9-5 world. B and I would go out to dinner or have drinks

2-3 times a week.

B had lived there for almost 5 years. He lived a solitary existence during most of his time there. He worked for a company that required he travel a great deal during the first 3 years in Atlanta.

By the time I arrived he was settled into a 9-5 world which he didn't care for. He was happy that he had been able to save plenty of money and was looking into going back to Grad. school.

I kept trying to talk him into going somewhere in Atalanta but he was intent on going back to where we all went to Undergrad.

In time he left for Grad school.......though not in the area he wanted. After his first year my calls slowly started going unanswered. So did my best friends. We heard through the grapevine that he

had fallen in with a former friend of ours who was soon headed to Federal prison for a white collar crime. This is the same person we recently got word from that last he knew.......B. was strung out.

The last conversation I had with B.......I begged him not to hang out with this little shit........he was headed to Prison, had lost his wife and kids, and had nothing to live for.

All he said was dude ......we just hang while he waits for his time in the Big house. What he failed to mention was that they were stealing to keep their habit going. As it

turns out.....the cops were notified and B. dropped the dime on the little shit. Little shit was in for 3 yrs and is now out.......He Of Course *eyeroll* has "Found God". He also

told my best friend that B stole money from him. This coming from someone who imbezzled money from at least one bank.

All we know is that B is supposedly somewhere in the Northeast. Wether he is peering out or still wallowing in the gutter he immersed himself in remains to be seen or truely known.

I don't completely blame the little shit.......he only offered a ride on his own personal tailspin. B obviously joined him.

If the day comes that I get the......."We got another funeral to go to" phonecall......I really will not be surprised.......




My fathers Son....aka Me

15:26 Mar 28 2005
Times Read: 613

The weather this past weekend sucked. We were under aTornado watch until last night. It rained all freaking weekend. There were things I needed to do in the yard

and over by the pond and never was able to because all the rain and lightning.

I did have a chat with my parents and told them to please Pull the Plug/tube etc. If I was ever in a veggie like state .

I also said that the sign for not offing me would be "the Finger". My Dad, the Rev., didn't think it was funny but it made my Mom chuckle.

Better for them to know that now than to think......"there's our boy.......giving the world one last fuck off on his way out" !




A couple of weekends ago...

15:23 Mar 28 2005
Times Read: 615

When I was working in B'ham two weekends ago I was going to try and have drinks with a couple of folks from VR. Unfortunately due to my work schedule I wasn't able to.

That really sucked because they seem very cool. Maybe next time it will work out.

On a positive note I was able to see my best friend and meet one of his twins. He only brought his good seed to the show......Can't wait to meet the Evil twin.....heh !





07:20 Mar 24 2005
Times Read: 620

working on some updates to the Journal....Hope to add them on Thursday ! Okay it took longer.....shoot me !




Wasting time........heh !

15:40 Mar 17 2005
Times Read: 630

I'm going to have a busy day today ! I have to get things ready before I leave town for the weekend. I've decided I have way too many Clothes!

The reason so is because every time I turn around It seems like I'm doing freakin laundry........I need to go through them and give them to the Salvation

Army or a mission. Along with Laundry I've gotta go make sure my car is gassed....pay bills, etc.

Normally before I leave for a weekend I like to camp out here for the day and catch up on reading and rating so I don't feel like I've missed so much when

I get back to the farm. Hopefully I'll be able to get back on later tonight......I will not be able to stay up late though......

Now I'm wondering Why in the hell have I taken the time to write this........*snickers......I sure wish someone would pay me to waste time.




Birmingham Fri.-Sun.

08:48 Mar 16 2005
Times Read: 635

I'm looking forward to meeting....In person, on Saturday Night, two people I've met here....I think we are gonna have fun Meeting in Person !




Ask a Question.....

01:54 Mar 14 2005
Times Read: 642

Yesterday was interesting. I was headed over to the back pasture to check on things. There are two areas of woods and a five acre pond in the back pasture. I have to go over a couple of times a month (though I go over 5 or 6 times) to check

on things. For example I check the spillway for anything blocking it, Look for any signs of trapping or poaching, Look for stills and make sure no alligators or beavers have decided to make the pond home.

At the end of the front feild there is suppossed to be a road leading to the back pasture. Well someone in the family that rents our land decided to plow up the whole feild including the dirt road. I was about 50 feet in before I realized

there was no longer a road. I quickly put my Accord into reverse and started to back up. Unfortunately I eneded up getting stuck. To make a long story short 2 1/2 hours later my car was no longer stuck an shows no apparent signs

of damage. At first one of my neighbors thought I had lost my mind until he saw that someone had plowed up the road. He asked, with a chuckle, one of the helpers of the neighbor who rents some of our land......"why in the Hell didn't ya'll leave the road

intact".......the helper just looked down and kicked the dirt. Sometimes you ask an honest question and receive no answer.......




That's All you have to Say ????

03:45 Mar 13 2005
Times Read: 648

" I'm rating to increase my status. Thank you for having a [profile/porfolio/database entry] for me to rate. "

When I saw this in the comments section of a Vampire Rave database, I almost shot the beer I was drinking through my nose........The reason being is that this person seems to

pride themself on their gift of prose. Seems rather weak from someone with so much self worth.........Once again my 85% theory comes into play !!!




I'm kinda bummed...

07:52 Mar 12 2005
Times Read: 660

This is the First year in the past 4 I haven't gone to the SEC Tournament...Oh Well........such Is Life......I have things to do on the Farm !!!!




Time will tell.....

02:36 Mar 12 2005
Times Read: 661

So I met my Mom and H. for Supper last night. The restaurant we ate at is quite nice considering it is in a town with a population of Maybe 1,000.

H. seemed to be extremely happy to be going out to supper with us....How someone as attractive as she is has no social life I'll never know? But

according to Mom she doesn't have much of one. It is understandable because she works 2-3 jobs and goes to school fulltime. Anyway supper was very

enjoyable....I was obnoxiuos in a shadey way....but Mom is used to it and H. either didn't understand or didn't react. After supper I came back to the farm

and chatted with some friends online......

Tonight I got a phone call from my Mom.....the first words out of her mouth were......."H. had such an wonderful time .....she is dying to go out to eat with us anytime."

It was enjoyable....but Not Fun. I wonder if she drinks.......as much as she laughed , No it wasn't nervous laughter, I bet she would be a Hoot to

be around loaded. Could I possibly foresee a new drinking buddy on the horizen....who knows......only time will tell !




This could be Fun....for me at least

00:48 Mar 10 2005
Times Read: 667

No one will find this amusing but me. Since I moved back to this area from Atlanta my Mom has been dying to set me up with a Girl she works with. The reason I call her a girl is because she is 22 and finishing college. She substitutes and helps with the after school program.

Don't get me wrong she is Smoking Hot, a body to die for and a personality that appears laid back and easy going, normally for me anyone who is more than 10 years younger than me is not going to have anything in common with me. Ah the joys of aging....heh ! Normally a woman that age would be someone I would hook up with a few times or have as a Friend with Benefits!

So last night I was indulging in a four pack of Guinness.....a couple of PBR's and a half a bottle of Jager.....chatted with some folks on the phone, hung out on VR and played a little Morrowind. I should note I rarely drink at the farm since I live in a Dry county. Well at around 12:45 I was in bed and the phone rang.....I was sure it was some of my friends in Atlanta since they are the only ones who ever call that late,

It was my Mom ??? She thought she had woken me up....first question out of my mouth was "Who's Dead ?"......noone she said, she had tried to call earlier in the night and I was online. She sounded soooo excited, She told me that she was changing our Supper plans for Wed. night ! She wanted to wait so H. could go out to eat with us.....being half drunk and almost asleep I didn't protest. LMAO.....I'm 34 soon to be 35....and I'm going out to eat with my mother

and someone she is dying for me to date. I believe I'm gonna have fun with this one. I told my Mom ages ago that I would scare the hell out of H. Looks like supper will be loads of fun for me at least......heh !!!




A thought..... most will not understand

08:05 Mar 08 2005
Times Read: 672

I'm not sure why this bugged me so much.....I was watching a program tonight about the Madrid Train bombings......at the end of the program....someone directly affected stated that if it wasn't for the fact that Spain was in Iraq then Spain would be Terrorist free......Wonder who the Hell she thinks the Basque separatist....aka ETA are......Just a thought...




I'm Tired....

07:51 Mar 05 2005
Times Read: 676

It took us almost 6 hrs to get the 700 + Guns out and Ready for the Show this weekend......Like I've already stated.....I'm Fookin Tired.......




Not going to Rant....

23:34 Mar 03 2005
Times Read: 684

I was going to put a rant here from thoughts I had on Monday night.....think I'll hold off on that for a while.....



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